Wednesday, April 11, 2012

University of Delaware: Wasting Your Money

Before leaving for spring break, you might have noticed that Mentor's Circle (connecting Morris Library and Memorial hall) was fenced off for construction. Unless you live under a rock, you'd notice they placed a rather large one right in the middle of it. A very large, ugly piece of nothing. 

This statue of a blank book serves absolutely zero purpose and cost an estimated $180,000 dollars to put together. It should be of no surprise that someone doesn't know how to spend our money properly. Just last year UD decided to eliminate all of the funding for running sports, to help with budget cuts. (Because everyone knows buying shorts and shoes costs way more than lacrosse or football gear, right?)

Unfortunately, this big hunk of waste isn't even a good work of art. It isn't aesthetically pleasing at all and doesn't do Delaware justice. It's as if they picked an ugly random sculpture out of The Sims™, honestly. Think I'm being a bit unfair? That's okay, just take a look at the feedback the statue has gotten from the University's official FaceBook page. The student body has overwhelmingly displayed outrage at the meer existence of the concrete abomination. 
Click to enlarge
Being a member of the class of 2014, I still vividly recall attending my convocation as a freshmen. We were told to congratulate ourselves for picking the university that will best prepare us for the trying times ahead. It's sad to see these people we looked to as mentors not embracing this very truth they tried to convince us about before applying. If we can't trust in them to help set us on a straight path for our future, then who? We are indebted to the University (many of us will be until we die), and in exchange we ask for them to provide us with a strong education and an environment with which we can strive to succeed. 

So what then are we to say to the poor calling center employee when they beg us for donations? Is the reality of this world not hitting you President Harker? How can you sleep at night knowing that thousands of hardworking students are struggling to make ends meet while trying to be a proud Blue Hen? 


  1. Well written article, but do you honestly believe $180,000 is a big deal to UD. This is pocket change if anything for a major University of the US. And another thing, nobody should be complaining about how they are in debt and can't afford things at the moment because as a college student you can take out loans in which you don't need to start paying until you GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE. so everybody just relax. Your all wrong. Of course UD should have track and cross country teams! I am a runner and I am literally pissed because there is only a collegiate club team(that members need to pay for -.-) Come on that is a little rediculous. I do agree. But again this isn't there fault because of Title 9. Maybe if everyone is so upset about Track being cut we can do what COLLEGE STUDENTS ARE MEANT TO DO and start petitioning and rallying to get our beloved running sport back on campus.
    -Josh Wise
    (Mad Jank)
