Monday, March 12, 2012

Russel Dining Hall: Unsafe?

Did you all get those emails about Russel dining hall being evacuated?

We did too. It's crazy how the powers that be sit around and deliberate whether something is important enough to send to our phones via SMS or if they should just email us...

In any case, it turns out that the entire thing was just over a simple bomb note found by maintenance crews. Though it turned out that there was no bomb in the building (duh), it still managed to get everyone rushed out with no dessert.

Call me crazy, but I've always thought shady people left bomb notes in buildings specifically to move people out of it... not because there was actually ever a bomb there. At all.

No complaints from any of the student body however, "What do I care? The weather is so great, they didn't need to tell me twice to go outside." says freshman Eric Komar.

Thank goodness there wasn't actually a bomb, that would have ruined a perfectly nice day!


  1. Kairotic post, Yianni. Keep the writing good, OK?

  2. It is important for schools to take all bomb notes seriously because you never know when it might be accurate. Belittling the situation makes it seem like bombs and bomb threats are no big deal. Tell that to the kids at Pittsburgh...

  3. Eric Komar's quote seems to go well with your thoughts on the bomb threat as well. Nice cohesiveness.
